History of Anantapuram
The current District of Anantapuram was one of the prosperous and developed region of Sri Krishna Devarays’ Kingdom. It was known for its rich traditions, culture and prosperity having greenery all around. The kings created a culture of up keeping the region in a pristine state of oxygen rich air through plantations. Over the centuries, as time passed, and especially during the last century, the region witnessed a steady decline in agriculture and greenery as continuous droughts and lack of water bodies led to the current situation of parched lands and desert like environment.Anantapuram being the largest district of Andhra Pradesh, bordering the state of Karnataka, receives the second lowest rainfall in the country. The district is industrially underdeveloped with perennial droughts and is declared desert prone in order to receive special attention from the Government and other funding agencies. There is a felt need among the large section of rural youth to find better opportunities. The large number of unemployed rural youth lacks exposure and need to be sensitized to the current market opportunities.